A little about me and
how I think about design. 

Oftentimes, opening our eyes to reality dissolves long held imaginings.

But when opportunity and circumstance align, when dreamer and dream-maker align, simply beautiful things happen.

For the past four decades, I have been helping people turn ’one day’ into ‘today’.

From sunrise vistas to sunset views, and from manic mornings to evening connections, I have been privileged to participate in clients’ lives in the most enjoyable ways. By noticing how they live, by listening and by picturing, very literally, their imagined visions. Sometimes clear, sometimes fuzzy.  

Walking together around the land. Taking it all in. Sketching. Conceptualising. Modelling. And then finally,  documenting the dream. A document so thorough that it enables construction to make the dream concrete -  or timber, stone, steel, glass...

So whether you’re imagining a gazebo, a house, a renovation or a residential complex,
let’s have a talk, and a walk, as we find our unique, fascinating and
memorable path to dream completion.